Who we are

Dr. Derbalian is an evaluator for the State of California Dental Board, overlooking dentists who practice conscious dentistry.

Dr. Vic A. Derbalian continues to improve his craft by taking several units of continuing education yearly. He has studied general dentistry with department specialist from the University of Southern California school of Dentistry.

Dr. Derbalian regularly participates in courses to improve his craft utilizing modern techniques and materials. Dr. Derbalian has published articles about the development of cosmetic dentistry. His ability to render comprehensive care, while being especially sensitive to the needs of phobic patients, sets him apart from his colleagues. He subscribes to the theory of oral health leading to overall body health.


Our Team includes experienced professionals, led by Dr. Vic A. Derbalian. We each share the belief that our care should be comprehensive and courteous - responding fully to your individual needs and preferences.

Our Professional Team includes certified dental assistants, and hygienist licensed and registered in the state of CA. Supporting an office environment that is warm and friendly, our office receptionist greets every patient, and makes every attempt to set appointments that can accommodate your personal schedule. She is also at your service to explain and facilitate insurance and financial arrangements.

Our Team's commitment extends beyond your office visits. We stay in touch by newsletters, sharing information about our office and ways you can take better personal care of your teeth. We contact you to see if your most recent treatment is satisfactory, and we call to remind you of upcoming appointments.

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